Berating Yourself & Others Will Not Lessen Suffering
Train The Mind, Open the Heart
Only You Can Be You! The Act Of Self Acceptance Is The Path Toward Authenticity
Mindful Of Resistance
Rik Center
Let's De-nourish The Five Hindrances
Observing Experience Is An Effort That Plants The Seeds Of Wisdom
Poem: What Loss Taught Me
Having Thanks For A Mind That Can Reflect!
Compassion Is A Generous Kindness In Action!
Can´t People Be Perfect, I’m Tired Of Carrying This Anger Inside Me From Others Imperfections
Healing Stress And Traumatic Anxiety
In the process of recognizing a sense of discomfort or an un-wanted pain, we may observe that many times our reactive state sits in judgment of the experience; right or wrong and/or good and bad. In healing deep wounding, we want to invite in the possibility of sitting with the inner body sensation of the experience vs. the built-in stories and thoughts that may arise around the emotional, psychological or physical pain. By keeping a focus on the sensation our higher thought cognitive process perceptions will shift, changing the neurobiological process within the brain/body connection.