Train The Mind, Open the Heart
From Rik Center:
Does the mind have a never-ending stream of thoughts that believes through finding the perfectly right thing to grasp onto or avoid then everything in life will become the perfect ideal we desire? It might feel better for a while, yet things will ultimately change. Awareness practices awaken a heart-mind-wisdom that is not afraid to look at the delusion of unskillful thinking patterns and thoughts that keep us wrapped up in a constant cycle of anguish, separation, anger, and fear.
We can defuse suffering, we don’t stop the nature of human life from happening. We train the mind how to respond to unpleasant experiences or situations with more balance. We stop believing that if we can just fix this one thing if we can get more of this one thing, all our problems will be resolved. I will longer have to deal with feelings of discomfort and the natural pain of living in a human body of sensations, thoughts, and emotions. From a body's physiological standpoint, we are stretching our nervous system to handle more than what we may have believed we could.
What might be possible if we look at the causes and conditions of why these unquenchable thought desires keep running our life or why we keep clinging to them? Reflective awareness is the awakening of our deeper maturity of insight and possibilities toward change. A meditation practice intertwined with embodied mindfulness and compassion practices begins to reveal to us there is a wisdom to the idea of letting go, a relinquishment. A releasing or a non-grasping to unquenchable desires that ultimately free the mind and the heart.
Consider this? Is it possible that a core of human thinking derives from certain survival-based instinct patterns. Many of these patterns perpetuate our anxieties, yet we defend them. Mindfulness practices are quite beautiful as they help us awaken to a heart-mind-wisdom that is no longer afraid to look at delusions of the mind. Thoughts that keep us wrapped up in a constant cycle of anguish.
Let’s not forget that change is possible. Tell me...what does your heart want for you?