Resolve Stress And Anxiety.
A Mindfulness Meditation And Somatic Approach.
Gain the tools and methods to support your journey towards wholeness.
Cofounded by Rik Center: For Information on Rik Click Here…
The Mindfulness Care Center looks to provide information and practices that allow people to build a richer sense of self.
By opening the mind to mindful-reflective practices and teachings, we gain learning. From learning we gain compassion... from compassion we gain wisdom.
When these three aspects blend, we become the architects of a new future in how we respond to life.
Becoming The Authentic You.
“Mindfulness teaches us how to approach life and stress related anxieties skillfully.”
Make a Donation
Your generosity supports the Mindfulness Care Center to offer classes, information and practices that allow people to gain new insights into life, themselves and inner healing.

Mindfulness & Somatic Embodied Practices
Understanding Somatic Embodied Stress
Getting Unstuck: Unwinding Stressful Anxiety and PTSD Through Somatic Experiencing®.
Finding Wholeness, Our Innate Inner Wisdom
Releasing Old Unreliable States of Mind that Keep Us Stuck, Stressed & Frustrated In Daily Life.
Benefits Of A Mindfulness And Meditation Practice
Cultivating Awareness & Calming Tools through Meditation And Mindfulness Teachings.
Corporate Mindfulness
How the individuals of a team manage their stress, communicate, and navigate challenges directly affects productivity, engagement, and creativity.
Classes, Groups & Upcoming Programs
It all begins with the first step, come join a class or group. Being curious allows the mind to explore new and supportive ways that bring about grounding and balance.
Weekly Sunday Morning Mindful Meditation
Multiple dates and times to attend. Select a day and join us online.
Tuesday Evening Mindfulness Meditation
Multiple dates and times to attend. Select a day and join us online.
Mindfulness Grief & Loss Support Group
2nd and 4th Mondays of the month.
Multiple dates and times to attend. Select a day and join us online.
DEER PROGRAM: Developing Emotional Embodied Resiliency.
7-Week Mindful-Somatic Program & Training to unwind stress and unresolved anxiety.
Next program training date to be decided.
“The Mindfulness Care Center was just the right place at just the right time in my life: meditation instruction, an open door for spiritual exploration and development, and the persistent “showing up” of Rik and the rest of the community who supports me in my practice, my understanding of the teachings, and on my journey inward.
Big Thanks and Appreciation!”
— MS, San Francisco, CA.
Rik’s Book: If you can't change your mood, change your mind: mindful reflections toward self-discovery
Written by Rik Center
This book shares subtle yet inspiring observations that offer new building blocks toward a compassionate self-discovery when reflecting upon daily life. Readers are treated to nuanced quips, quotes and poems that are woven with artful humor. We are shown that self-discovery and transformation happen when we make a personal choice to look within ourselves, and be curious.
"A book full of wonderful wisdom and evocative perspectives. Read the book slowly, taking your time reflecting and digesting each teaching and each flash of insight catalyzed." ~ Gil Fronsdal, Teacher at the Insight Meditation Center. Author of The Issue At Hand, The Monastery Within, The Buddha Before Buddhism.