Poem: What Loss Taught Me

What Loss Taught Me: Rik Center 8-2-21.

Loss came to the door that day.

It did not knock

It walked right in

We stared at another for a long time.

Why are you staring at me? I asked.

I’m preparing you, Loss replied.

For what?

For the grieving?

I don’t want any of that nonsense.

You have no choice, Loss replied.

Why say that?

Did you not care? Is your heart not heavy?

Of course it is...I sarcastically responded.

That’s why I’m here.

When someone experiences loss I bring my friend Grief along.

Why is that? I asked.

Loss continued explaining…

Grieving is the path for healing.

Grief’s face will change over the days, months and years.

Though without my friend you would be stuck

And true healing would be hard to come by.

Your friend can stay for a while…reluctantly I replied.

We’ll see what happens.

I closed the door as Loss walked out.

Sitting on the couch, I began to cry

Grief wrapped its arms around me.

I’m here, there’s no rush, take your time.

We’ll do this together.


Observing Experience Is An Effort That Plants The Seeds Of Wisdom


Having Thanks For A Mind That Can Reflect!